Welcome to the Tea Area School District Transportation page. Feel free to use the information provided to learn about the transportation services provided at the Tea Area School District.
The Transportation Department works hard to "ensure a safe, positive and supportive atmosphere, which encourages creativity, enhances wellness, builds self-esteem, and recognizes students' success through mutual respect and trust." The Tea Area School District asks that all individuals who are using school busing services abide by these school board-approved expectations.
Individuals shall obey all instructions from the school bus driver and/or authorized student monitors.
Individuals MUST ride on assigned buses and MUST occupy the seat assigned to them, if seats are assigned. Please note that the youngest individuals should sit at the front of the bus.
Only rostered riders, activity participants, and authorized Tea Area School District personnel are allowed on Tea Area School District transportation.
The same courteous conduct as is expected in the classroom must be observed while on the bus. Ordinary conversation is permitted. Loud and vulgar language is NOT PERMITTED.
Individuals must refrain from unnecessary conversation with the driver. His/her job requires his/her full attention.
Individuals must be on time at the designated bus stops; the bus cannot wait beyond its regular time schedule for tardy students. If more than one child from each family rides, they should all be on time.
Individuals will assist the bus driver in keeping the interior of the bus clean, sanitary, and in orderly condition. Individuals must not throw waste paper or rubbish on the floor or out the windows of the bus.
Individuals will not open or close the windows without the permission of the driver.
Individuals must not—at any time—put their heads, hands, or arms out the bus windows.
Individuals must not move about inside the bus or try to get on or off while the bus is in motion.
Individuals will immediately report to the driver any damage occurring on the bus. Individuals responsible for any damage will naturally be held liable for payment.
Individuals must follow the instructions of the driver when entering or leaving the bus, and when they must cross the road or highway.
Individuals must await the signal from the driver to cross a road or highway, then cross promptly. The crossing should be made approximately ten (10) feet in front of the bus in full view of the driver.
Individuals desiring to leave the bus at other than their designated bus stop must present the Transportation Manager the request at least 24 hours prior to the request. The Transportation Manager will communicate with the driver any change.
Due to capacity limitations, non-route-assigned individuals may not ride home with their friends.
Individuals may not take pictures or video recordings of other students while on the bus. Each large bus is equipped with at least two cameras that record audio and video while the bus is running - see video recording in handbooks.
Inappropriate language, gestures, or sharing of electronic images by students is not permitted.
If an individual rides the bus to an activity but is riding home with their parent/guardian, the parent/guardian of the student is required to sign the student out with their respective coach/instructor.
Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right. That privilege can be revoked.
Bus Discipline Policy
Incident 1. Transportation Manager contacts parents regarding student’s inappropriate behavior. Parents and students are informed of the next discipline level should the student continue to behave inappropriately. The bus driver will submit a completed Bus Discipline Report to Transportation Manager. The Transportation Manager will discuss the report with the student's respective principal.
Incident 2. The bus driver will submit a completed bus discipline report to Transportation Manager. The student is referred to the grade level principal by Transportation Manager with specific details on Bus Discipline Report from the bus driver regarding the incident. Principal contacts parents to inform them that the student will forfeit bus privileges for three (3) consecutive school days. Parents and individuals are informed of the next discipline level should students continue to behave inappropriately.
Incident 3. The bus driver will submit a completed bus discipline report to Transportation Manager. The student is referred to the grade level principal by Transportation Manager with specific details on Bus Discipline Report from the bus driver regarding the incident. A meeting will be scheduled to include parents, students, principals, Transportation Manager, and the bus driver. Individual forfeits bus privileges for ten (10) consecutive school days. Parents and individuals are informed of the next discipline level should the individual continue to behave inappropriately.
Incident 4. The bus driver will submit a completed bus discipline report to the Transportation Manager. The student is referred to the grade level principal by Transportation Manager with specific details on Bus Discipline Report from the bus driver regarding the incident. The grade-level principal contacts parents to inform them that the student will forfeit bus privileges for the remainder of the school year.
The grade level principal may accelerate the individual through the incident reporting levels if the infraction is deemed to be serious enough in nature to warrant such a decision.