Tea Area School District Breakfast and Lunch Prices for each month. The following list is for one student only. If your student(s) participate(s) in both breakfast and lunch, you will need to add totals together.

Milk/juice: $0.50
Entree Only: $1.75
Adult Salad Bar: Side Salad- $0.60, Unlimited Access Salad- $1.50
Adult Lunch: $5.00
Account Restrictions
Individual prices apply to the purchase of more than one serving of any item in the breakfast and lunch serving lines. Individual pricing also applies to breakfast and lunch trays that don't include all components of a TITAN Breakfast or TITAN Lunch, per USDA guidelines.
The Infinite Campus system has the ability to restrict individual purchases and may be a helpful tool for lowering your overall school food cost. Parents and guardians may limit or restrict these purchases by filling out and returning the Restricted Meal Account form below.
NOTE – This tool cannot restrict a student from purchasing a full breakfast meal or full lunch meal. It is available to restrict only individual purchases using account funds.
Once implemented, restrictions stay in place until the parent or guardian initiating the restriction contact the Meal Accounts Coordinator.
Click here to access the RESTRICTED MEAL ACCOUNT REQUEST Print, complete, and submit this form to any
Tea Area School District Unpaid Meal Charge Policy
All families are encouraged to apply for the free or reduced meal price benefit. Any family with a negative or low balance will receive an email notification from Infinite Campus every morning. A la carte purchases are the household's responsibility. Please check your student(s) lunch account often to keep a positive balance at all times.
If your balance is $0 or below your student will still receive a reimbursable meal, they however will not be able to purchase any snacks or a la carte items.
Click here for the Tea Area School District's unpaid meal charge policy.
Meal Account Information
Meal Account Information
Our district uses Infinite Campus Point of Sale (cashier) software.
Each student has an individual account that cannot be shared with other students.
One payment may be submitted for multiple accounts. Payment details are below.
To guarantee same-day funding, the payment deadline is 10:00 am. If payment is later, every effort will be made to process it before meal service begins. If funds aren’t available at the time of service, students will be charged for the lunch that they have.
Meal Account Information Management Tools
Each household is responsible for monitoring their meal accounts. Tea Area School District will send low-balance notices.
Infinite Campus is your online meal account management tool.
Infinite Campus provides:
* Account transactions 24/7;
* Up to 90 days of account history;
Payment Information
Check or Cash payments may be brought to any school's main office. Because Infinite Campus is based on individual accounts, it is important that a notation stating the full student name be with payment. If a single payment is submitted for multiple accounts, an amount should be specified for each student. Processing of payments lacking this information may be delayed.
Credit and Debit Card Payments as well as automatic payments are accepted on Infinite Campus Parent Portal.