Special Diet Information
For all students who require a special diet, Child Nutrition Services must have a completed and signed Special Diet form on file for the current school year. To print a Special Diet form, click HERE. For questions concerning special diets, contact the Site Manager in your student's building or the Food Service Director.
March Breakfast
April Breakfast
Smart Snacks
Because our students asked for more options at all grade levels, we are initiating Smart Snacks during lunch at the Middle School and High School and second entree and milk at our Elementary Schools for grades 3rd-5th. Our initial offerings are a variety of baked chips; several cereal choices; fresh baked cookies; several pop tart choices; a variety of low-fat ice cream choices; bottled water; assorted juices; muffins; banana bread; and rice Krispie bar treat for the grades 6th-12th and an entree and second milk for grades 3rd-5th.
Students are encouraged to choose a Titan Lunch before purchasing items from the Smart Snacks area. They may continue to purchase extra items served in the breakfast and lunch lines e.g. entrees, milk, etc. All food items sold by your department meet the current USDA nutritional guidelines, so there’s no need to worry about your student filling up on “junk” food. These items are whole grain, low-calorie, nutritious Smart Snacks.
Individual items are charged in addition to the cost of a Titan Lunch or Titan Breakfast. Individual items are not included in the cost of the meal. All charges for individual items are the responsibility of the household.
We encourage you to have a conversation with your student(s) about the importance of eating a Titan Lunch and Titan Breakfast while sharing with them your expectations and limits (if any) for charging to their meal accounts. Reminding them you are responsible for funding the account is oftentimes all that's necessary to avoid placing restrictions on the meal account.
Purchasing individual items is available to all students, regardless of any school meal benefits they may receive. If your student is eligible for free or reduced-price meals, it is still your responsibility to pay for all individual items and keep their meal account funded or restrict the individual purchases.
For more information on our Titan Meals, click HERE.