More Information About Titan Meals
Take Time for Breakfast
Most Americans know how important breakfast is, but hectic morning schedules make it difficult to squeeze in a healthy meal. Kellogg’s Corporation concluded from their Breakfast in America survey, that 40 percent of U.S. children do not eat breakfast daily. In our school district, the number is even lower at only 11 percent of our student body participating, based on recent sales data.
Research demonstrates the importance of providing breakfast to children and youth. Children who eat a good breakfast tend to perform better in school, have a better attendance record and exhibit fewer behavior problems. In addition, children who eat a good breakfast develop healthy eating habits, visit the school nurse less frequently, and are less likely to be obese. Despite the benefits of breakfast, for a variety of reasons, many families can't provide a healthy breakfast every morning.
The answer – SCHOOL BREAKFAST! Every school day, Tea Area’s breakfast program offers students a healthy breakfast that meets federal nutrition standards and guidelines. The full price for breakfast is $1.50 for students. Breakfast is included in the USDA meal benefit program, which means when a student qualifies for free or reduced-price lunch, this also applies to breakfast.
TITAN BREAKFAST = Three items; one of which must include a full 1/2 cup serving of fruit or fruit juice.

Are school meals nutritious? YES!
School meals are healthy meals. They meet science-based, federal nutrition standards limiting unhealthy fat and calories and they offer the right balance of fruits, vegetables, milk, grains, and protein with every meal.
On July 1, 2012, new federal nutrition standards for school meals went into effect. Under these standards, schools must prepare meals that meet the following requirements:
No more than 10 percent of calories can come from saturated fat and schools must eliminate added trans fat.
School meals must meet age-appropriate calorie minimums and maximums.
Schools must gradually reduce sodium levels in school meals.
Cafeterias must offer larger servings of vegetables and fruit with every school lunch, and children must take at least one serving.
Schools must offer a wide variety of vegetables, including at least a weekly serving of legumes, dark green, and red or orange vegetables.
Milk must be fat-free or 1% (flavored milk can be 1% or fat-free).
All grains offered must be whole-grain rich.
How is your school nutrition program working to make healthy meals kid friendly?
Children are notoriously selective eaters, but your school nutrition professionals are always working to find new healthy recipes that children are willing to eat.
Schools and the food service industry are making student favorites more healthy, such as serving pizza on whole grain bread with low-sodium sauce and low-fat cheese. Students often don’t even notice the difference.
Condiments offered are low-fat, low-sugar options.
Canned fruits offered are packed in juice or light syrup.
How can you help your child learn healthy habits?
Getting involved is easy. Review our menus with your child. Ask questions. Encourage them to try new menu items. Prepare new foods at home. If your child tries new foods frequently at home, they may be more willing to try new foods at school, too. When it comes to food and exercise choices and opportunities, you are their most important influence, role model, and advocate.
Visit the school cafeteria to make your own observations and eat lunch with your student. We ask you to call the school office the morning you're planning a visit so the kitchen can prepare the appropriate amount for everyone. Meal Prices: you will need to make sure to give your payment in advance to the building administrative assistants.